Thursday, January 1, 2015

Basics in the Prophetic

    Proverbs 20: 5 A plan in the heart of a man is like deep water, But a man of understanding draws it out. (NASB) God's unsearchable designs that dwell in the depth of a person’s heart (thought life and make up of the mind) are the dreams of God Himself. A person that sees with the lens of love and chooses to see the destiny and gold in people can water and nurture the harvest of God's dreams that reside inside any person. A simple co-laboring with God brings that harvest into its fullest potential.
    The prophetic is a life long journey of growing and remaining teachable and by no means dowe ever have it all figured out. But we have all heard the saying, “The more I learn the less I know.” That sounds stupid to me, I mean come on how can you learn more and know less. I understand what the saying is insinuating, but the more I learn I more I know and the more I realize I can get to know. False humility is not your identity. A true humble confidence in the knowledge and intimacy of Him who lives inside you is where your identity comes from.
    I have had the pleasure of growing in the prophetic and seeing wild miracles and also seeing new worlds birthed in people’s lives, by simply speaking His words, as a lifestyle for close to 4yrs now. I am a baby in this but, “a man with experience trumps a man with an argument,” or a man with an opinion. So I just want to share some of the glorious wisdom that the Lord has shown me and that I have gotten to experience with the Lord. People spend their life exploring, teaching, and growing in the prophetic. I just want to share a little goodness to spark your hunger and interest in seeing His Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.
    1 Corinthians 14:1 Pursue love, yet desire earnestly spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy. (NASB) The word for ‘pursue’ in the Greek is -diókó- to put to flight, pursue with all haste ("chasing" after), earnestly desiring to overtake (apprehend), aggressively chase, like a hunter pursuing a catch (prize).
    God chased you down that way, now we get to grow and learn in the Truth that your identity has always been to, with all patience and kindness, love God and love people this way. The word for ‘desire earnestly’ in the Greek is –zéloó- to be jealous, to burn with zeal, to be deeply committed to something, with the implication of accompanying desire and to set one's heart on, to be completely intent upon. We are to have tunnel vision on growing in the gifts of the Spirit through love. Love is always the focus, the gifts are an expression of that love.
    1 Corinthians 14:1 is in order for a reason. First you remain in the place of growing in loving yourself and people the way God loves you and others, then you learn to burn with zeal in growing in the gifts of the Spirit while flowing in the love that lives inside you. We are to learn to constantly encourage and see people through the lens of heaven and tell them how God sees them. We have the privilege of being God's mouth piece. We get to tell people what God is doing, going to be doing, and how He sees them. We get to do this for Love's sake.
    The chapter that says what love is and what love is not, 1 Cor. 13, is sandwiched between the two chapters that talk about the gifts of the Spirit for a reason. Anytime a gift is delivered from the Father the center of it must be love. Love is the greatest pursuit of all, and it should be easier to love people than we have made it, seeing how Love Himself lives inside us. John 17: 26 “and I have made Your name known to them, and will make it known, so that the love with which You loved Me may be in them, and I in them.” (NASB)

This is a brilliant 8min clip on hearing God's voice.

    The more you grow in the knowledge of how loved you are, the more you will grow in the knowledge of how loved others are, “God so loved the world that He gave His Son”. The Good News is about learning how to become love wrapped in flesh. Prophesying is easy when you know how to love. The more you learn to love the more your speech changes, the more your vision changes, and the more your entire thought process changes. All the sudden you are seeing things in people that that couldn’t see before, all the sudden you are having strong impressions about something awesome that is going to be happening in a person’s life, and all the sudden you know how to deliver correction to a person (that is done in kindness and patience) for their extreme benefit.
    1 Corinthians 14: 3 But [on the other hand], the one who prophesies [who interprets the divine will and purpose in inspired preaching and teaching] speaks to men for their upbuilding and constructive spiritual progress and encouragement and consolation. (Amplified) The power that dwells in the prophetic terrifies the enemy, that is why the enemy works overtime to try and get people to stay away from it. This is also why love must always be the centerpiece of the prophetic. Nothing will silence the devil faster then prophetic precision delievered in love.

This is a great basic video on prophesy.

    Ephesians 4:29 Watch the way you talk. Let nothing foul or dirty come out of your mouth. Say only what helps, each word a gift. (Message)… Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear.(NASB) Make encouraging people a lifestyle, not an activity. The more you learn how to genuinely encourage people the more God will trust you with supernatural information because He knows that you know how to deliver the message in love. The word for ‘edification’ in this verse is the same word used in 1 Cor. 14:3 and it is – oikodomé- the act of building spiritual advancement, constructive criticism and instruction that builds a person up to be the suitable dwelling place of God, where the Lord is "at home."

In the old testament we judged people, in the new testament we judge prophesy. This is an amazing 5min clip. Check it out.

    If God is showing you a negative about a person it is only for one of two reasons.. 1- He doesn’t want you to say anything to that person about their issue, He just wants you to pray for that person and let Him use you to bring His love into the area of that person’s life that needs correction.  Or 2- He wants you to prophesy the opposite over that person. He shows you the negative so you can prophesy and declare the exact positive opposite into their life. Your words carry the power and weight to break issues off people’s lives. Proverbs 18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those that love it will eat its fruits. (ESV)
    Seeing God move in public in powerful ways is almost always a very simple impression that we dismiss as a random thought. One time I was talking with two teenagers on the street after my friend and I had done some worship by the beach. I asked if they had any pain that we could pray for, one of them said that his wrist had issues. I prayed and Jesus in all His goodness healed his wrist. I then had this thought to tell the other boy that God was going to be strengthening his relationship with his father. I then thought twice about telling the young man this. I thought to myself, “That is a very basic word. I mean you could tell anyone that.” But I went with it and told him and the boy responded by telling me that the week before his father just started a 40yr prison term. The boy was awe struck and extremely encouraged, to say the least. That was about 3yrs ago, now after persevering in the understanding of what it is that I already possess I see God turns people's lives upside down with loving detail pretty much daily. Just last week we told a lady her business, her business plan, her passions, and what she was doing at the cafe that we were in. She was overwhelmed by Him, obviously. I had never met that lady, but God knows everything about her and He longs to speak through us in outrageous accuracy and love more then we want Him to. It's available to any and all of us when the agenda is simply to love people like God does.
    Amazing men of God have written many books on this topic and there is endless wisdom to gain from the prophetic, just remember that your focus is to reveal the love of God when prophesying. If you already prophesy I hope this was an encouraging reminder. If this is something new to you, I would greatly encourage you to pray into being activated in the prophetic and growing in loving the hell out of people by being God’s supernatural mouthpiece.

Here are some more videos that can help. Each of these videos covers different aspects of the prophetic. The areas and aspects covered in these videos will answer many questions people have. These vidoes are from a seasoned prophet named Kris Vallotton from Bethel Church in Redding, Ca.

For more resources 

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