As the world continues to shift and change, our values and truth don't need to change to remain effective. In order to have affect in implementing our values and Truth into culture at large, we do need to learn to shift with the changing culture. People are desperate for the fruit of living in the lifestyle of knowing love, but sadly some of the world has been shown a wrong presentation of who Love is. It's unfortunately true to one extent or another, but this presents a beautiful opportunity for us to be a generation that rises up and taps into the divine wisdom of how to be relevant in the current culture without compromising Truth.
Coca Cola has done this in excellence for over 120 years now. Coca Cola's original logo from 1886, is almost identical to the logo they have today. The taste has changed so little during Coca Cola's consistent relevance that you'd hardly be able to tell the difference between the original taste and today's. Atlanta pharmacist Dr. John S. Pemberton launched the world's most popular soft drink in 1886, and Coca Cola has stayed right at the forefront of a now booming industry the entire time. "Did you know? The first servings of Coca‑Cola were sold for 5 cents per glass. During the first year, sales averaged a modest nine servings per day in Atlanta. Today, daily servings of Coca‑Cola beverages are estimated at 1.9 billion globally." These facts were all lifted from Coca Cola's website. This growth didn't come from expecting the world to meet Coca Cola where they are at, this growth came through staying relevant in culture as it changed and grew. The original logo and flavor has never changed, how they have invaded culture and stayed a top the game has always changed.
In the 1920's Coca Cola noticed people buying multiple bottles at time, thus they invented the six pack. Their sales immediately went up, and we all know the six pack is used by every single beverage company their is now a days. They marketed with military advertisements in times of war, Olympic advertising during the Olympics, and always played into the cultural shifts as they unveiled. All the while the logo and taste stayed the same.
Interestingly enough in the early 60's Coca Cola saw the need for a soda with less calories as everyone began watching their calories. They launched a soda called TAB that had less calories. TAB was a hit, but not on the scale they saw was possible. But in the early 80's Coca Cola say the need for a Diet Coke. They deemed it a "high risk-high reward" venture. It was introduced in 1983, and in 2010 the top two selling soft drinks in the world were Coca Cola and Diet Coke.
Steve Jobs almost immediately shut down record stores when Apple launched iTunes, including all the other inventions he spear headed that revolutionized this planet. Netflix and RedBox eventually put Blockbuster and Hollywood video out of business, as they saw a more effective way to bring people what they were searching for. The same thing is happening right now with Ubercab, which is a taxi cab business that creates opportunities for people to make money in their spare time and also makes it far more convenient for the population needing taxi's. Ubercab is putting many taxi cab companies out of business. These companies are seeing the demand and flow of culture and thinking new and creatively with the service or product they have to present.
We have the Almighty Creator and brilliant Source of energy and Life living in us. He did after all create the world that inspires our creativity, He created being creative. He is the Creator of everything that inspires creativity. Our Truth and values (like Coca Cola's logo and flavor) never need to change, they can't or it wouldn't be the pure substance of Christ. But our mind should always be in the constant upgrade of renewal so we can be in the world while being, "The mountain of the house of the LORD Will be established as the chief of the mountains, And will be raised above the hills; And all the nations will stream to it," Isaiah 2:2.
We have full access to unlimited and brilliant business opportunities and ideas, ideas that empower and bless people, political solutions, medical breakthroughs coupled with the supernatural healing power of Jesus, movies and music, and the list could go on and on. We have the privilege of bringing the original flavor and substance of Christ, coupled with His brilliance to change culture into the resemblance of heaven on earth.
So many followers of Jesus are flowing in this river of grace that is influencing and invading the cultures of this world with real relevance and solutions, but their is still an army of us sleeping while the Creator desires for us all to be fully alive. We are all fully equipped to bring His influencing Love and power into the sphere of influence He has given us. We were born for such a time and task as this, and we have only seen the beginning stages of this being unveiled in massive and brilliant ways.
Friday, March 27, 2015
Relevance - Part 1
The moment of favor, or window of opportunity for followers of Jesus to influence the world and lead nations, is always at hand. "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand," Matthew 4:17. Our mind get renewed into knowing the reality of heaven here and now, and God's desire to invade earth with His goodness. The harvest is ready right now, "Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest," is what Jesus declared in John 4.
I have had the privilege of seeing Jesus transform culture in seemingly strange places. It's all grace and it has been and continues to be great fun. Sometimes we can think that their is one way to share Jesus, and if people don't recieve the message it's because their hearts are hard. I have found this to rarely be true. The world is looking for Jesus in all their seeking, so as we partner with Holy Spirit and His ability to be relevant and helpful in any and all places hearts are opened for the Love of God to invade.
I lived in a very New Age city in Southern California for over 2yrs. This particular city had been avoided and cursed by Christians for a long time, all the spiritual activity that was taking place in this city was deemed dark and demonic and so most Christians simply avoided that community of spiritual seeking people all together. Jesus and us had a different idea. My dear friend had begun renting a room in a coffee shop just blocks from the New Age Temple that is in this town. Instead of hiding from darkness, we invaded it being "wise as a serpents and innocent as a doves."
He rented a little room in a coffee shop with a window facing the busy street and we hung a sign that said "free spiritual readings and healing" and this community of spiritual hungry people flocked to us. We were there 4 days a week for 3-5 hours at a time each day for over 2yrs. Another psychic in town had to shut down because we were better and free. We saw countless people, that God absolutely loves, in the New Age community get healed, saved, and delivered. They would get so impacted by Holy Spirit in this coffee shop that they'd send all their friends in.
The owner of the store was a gay man, we loved him, and he loved us! He knew exactly who we were and that we followed Jesus and he trusted us, so much so that he would confide in us for prayer for serious life issues. We never compromised Truth while doing this ministry, we simply spoke their language and loved them and constantly flowed in God's power. Countless doors opened through this. We did this at colleges, health fairs, private parties, and we even did it at a private high school prom two years in a row. During this time revival ignited at a church in this city, this church continues to go after the presence and power of God and are good friends of ours.
Now this approach is not going to work in the Red Light District of the run down and extremely dark (spiritually speaking) neighborhood of Tijuana, Mx. We have been going to Tijuana for about two years consistently. The need in this area is obvious, they need clothes, food, and a place to sleep. They need the power of God to heal them and set them free from intense bondage, and God is doing this in extreme measure. Holy Spirit is relevant and fits into any culture in a way that meets the needs and mindsets of people where they are at.
I have also had the privilege of seeing God begin to move powerfully in the Mormon community in Utah. The spiritual reading, or showing up with food and clothes approach, is not going to be the key to their hearts necessarily. They need patience and truth revealed to them as they are ready for it. They seek a deeper intimacy then they have experienced. They want to see the power of God, and they are beginning to. They have been taught to theorize everything, so simplifying Truth and showing them God and His extravagant love for them cuts right to the heart.
It's all the same Truth, the same God, the same power, and the same person of Christ Jesus. Truth is not compromised in these different areas, but the approach and revealing of Him meets them where the people are at. "For to long the church as been answering questions that the world is not asking," Bill Johnson.
When we show up in love and power with our sole intention being that we desire to serve and bless people. We show up with the answers to the questions the world is asking, and naturally what happens next is that the world begins asking the right questions.
Isaiah 2:2 Now it will come about that In the last days The mountain of the house of the LORD Will be established as the chief of the mountains, And will be raised above the hills; And all the nations will stream to it. (NASB) I refuse to hold on to any belief in an end times view that harbors or entertains fear of any sort. This is a powerful prophetic word about the significance of God and His people in the "last days".
We will be established, cemented, in a place of honor from the worlds perspective. We "will be established as the chief of the mountains," this is a glorious position, "And all the nations will stream to it." This place of outrageous favor and influence is going to happen, their is no stopping it. But it won't come through trying to take the seat of honor and point at people telling them what they need to do, it will come through service, love, and being a company of people that can bring significant solutions that change the areas of society that truly need it. We should always be a people of extravagant hope and solutions that bring actual change, our God is able.
The world looks long and hard for people that have answers to the serious issues of our time. Our answers must be both practical and supernatural, both bringing about God's plans of goodness for the person or situation. We have the creative Source of Life that wants so badly to give us the insight into how to serve and bless the world in power and love. The way you get established as the chief of the mountains that the nations stream to is this, you use your gifts and talents to love and come under people and serve them into the place of their dreams.
In this place of service and love for others God opens an unthinkable favor that allows Him to work through us to love the world into His glorious plans of goodness.
I have had the privilege of seeing Jesus transform culture in seemingly strange places. It's all grace and it has been and continues to be great fun. Sometimes we can think that their is one way to share Jesus, and if people don't recieve the message it's because their hearts are hard. I have found this to rarely be true. The world is looking for Jesus in all their seeking, so as we partner with Holy Spirit and His ability to be relevant and helpful in any and all places hearts are opened for the Love of God to invade.
I lived in a very New Age city in Southern California for over 2yrs. This particular city had been avoided and cursed by Christians for a long time, all the spiritual activity that was taking place in this city was deemed dark and demonic and so most Christians simply avoided that community of spiritual seeking people all together. Jesus and us had a different idea. My dear friend had begun renting a room in a coffee shop just blocks from the New Age Temple that is in this town. Instead of hiding from darkness, we invaded it being "wise as a serpents and innocent as a doves."
He rented a little room in a coffee shop with a window facing the busy street and we hung a sign that said "free spiritual readings and healing" and this community of spiritual hungry people flocked to us. We were there 4 days a week for 3-5 hours at a time each day for over 2yrs. Another psychic in town had to shut down because we were better and free. We saw countless people, that God absolutely loves, in the New Age community get healed, saved, and delivered. They would get so impacted by Holy Spirit in this coffee shop that they'd send all their friends in.
The owner of the store was a gay man, we loved him, and he loved us! He knew exactly who we were and that we followed Jesus and he trusted us, so much so that he would confide in us for prayer for serious life issues. We never compromised Truth while doing this ministry, we simply spoke their language and loved them and constantly flowed in God's power. Countless doors opened through this. We did this at colleges, health fairs, private parties, and we even did it at a private high school prom two years in a row. During this time revival ignited at a church in this city, this church continues to go after the presence and power of God and are good friends of ours.
Now this approach is not going to work in the Red Light District of the run down and extremely dark (spiritually speaking) neighborhood of Tijuana, Mx. We have been going to Tijuana for about two years consistently. The need in this area is obvious, they need clothes, food, and a place to sleep. They need the power of God to heal them and set them free from intense bondage, and God is doing this in extreme measure. Holy Spirit is relevant and fits into any culture in a way that meets the needs and mindsets of people where they are at.
I have also had the privilege of seeing God begin to move powerfully in the Mormon community in Utah. The spiritual reading, or showing up with food and clothes approach, is not going to be the key to their hearts necessarily. They need patience and truth revealed to them as they are ready for it. They seek a deeper intimacy then they have experienced. They want to see the power of God, and they are beginning to. They have been taught to theorize everything, so simplifying Truth and showing them God and His extravagant love for them cuts right to the heart.
It's all the same Truth, the same God, the same power, and the same person of Christ Jesus. Truth is not compromised in these different areas, but the approach and revealing of Him meets them where the people are at. "For to long the church as been answering questions that the world is not asking," Bill Johnson.
When we show up in love and power with our sole intention being that we desire to serve and bless people. We show up with the answers to the questions the world is asking, and naturally what happens next is that the world begins asking the right questions.
Isaiah 2:2 Now it will come about that In the last days The mountain of the house of the LORD Will be established as the chief of the mountains, And will be raised above the hills; And all the nations will stream to it. (NASB) I refuse to hold on to any belief in an end times view that harbors or entertains fear of any sort. This is a powerful prophetic word about the significance of God and His people in the "last days".
We will be established, cemented, in a place of honor from the worlds perspective. We "will be established as the chief of the mountains," this is a glorious position, "And all the nations will stream to it." This place of outrageous favor and influence is going to happen, their is no stopping it. But it won't come through trying to take the seat of honor and point at people telling them what they need to do, it will come through service, love, and being a company of people that can bring significant solutions that change the areas of society that truly need it. We should always be a people of extravagant hope and solutions that bring actual change, our God is able.
The world looks long and hard for people that have answers to the serious issues of our time. Our answers must be both practical and supernatural, both bringing about God's plans of goodness for the person or situation. We have the creative Source of Life that wants so badly to give us the insight into how to serve and bless the world in power and love. The way you get established as the chief of the mountains that the nations stream to is this, you use your gifts and talents to love and come under people and serve them into the place of their dreams.
In this place of service and love for others God opens an unthinkable favor that allows Him to work through us to love the world into His glorious plans of goodness.
Thursday, March 12, 2015
The Problem Holds the Solution
Let's be real here, this world we live in has lots of problems. It's not hard to see, and if you get outside of the safe American or Christian bubble you'll see that the world is crying out for help. We, believing believers, carry the answer to all problems within us. The poor make an obvious candidate for help. But what about those that you pass by everyday here in America that smile big and things appear to be good in their life, but on the inside they feel like death?
In third world countries they cannot hide their issues as well as we can in America. Their issues are that they are starving, haven't showered, have major health issues, etc... In America though, it can be easier to hide behind a fake smile and put up a front that everything is fine. We have so many things at our finger tips that other cultures don't have. We have the best health care in the world, tons of free food programs, many shelters, and all sorts of other free assistance's for those struggling. Those with money can hide behind issues with all sorts of false comforts.
This facade that is so readily available to hide behind in America simply prolongs the pain and makes it worse. In third world cultures many of the most loving and humble people I have met still have an amazing and some what healthy heart, despite circumstances. The trick of the enemy in our culture is that we think that because we have comforts to insulate us from pain that we can avoid the true issues of the heart. When in all actuality avoiding the issue makes our hearts even sicker.
But the enemy is not that intelligent. He has his schemes and tricks, but he is so confident in the idea that Christians don't believe what it is they say they believe that he will over play his hand in obvious ways. The enemy has seen so many Christians buckle and tone down their love for Jesus once under his attacks, that he is willing to risk it when it comes to attacking people with his silly tactics.
I really try to avoid talking about the enemy much, he gets far to much attention as it is He is the father of lies and when we listen to his voice we are molded into his image. He is after all, already entirely defeated (Colossians 2: 13-15). Know this though, his attack is against people, not just Christians. He hates all people, because all people are created in God's image.
Isaiah 60:2 For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the peoples; but the LORD will arise upon you, and his glory will be seen upon you. (ESV) The enemy is at work, and his specific attack is on people. But God is in you and upon you to show the world His truth, power, and love. His desire is for people that are freely given what he wanted, to "be like the Most High." We are created in God's image and likeness and He has given us the Kingdom. The enemy tries to manipulate people with his lies and have people end up looking more like him then Our Loving Father.
Here is where he is foolish and dares to over play his hand, especially in our culture. Let's start here... I have not seen the movie 50 Shades of Grey, but I have heard all about it. That movie is a sad manipulation of what true intimacy and love is. This movie has also grossed almost 160 million to date. I don't see sin riddled people flocking to the movies in this, I see people screaming out for true intimacy. Yet they have been tricked by the father of lies. This reveals a big opportunity for those that follow the Way. Countless people out their are desperately seeking for true intimacy and love, but they're getting suckered by the fake. As a follower of the Way of Love my job is not to judge those people, it's to show them what they are truly looking for. Which is heaven on earth, the revealing of Christ in me the hope of glory.
Our culture has cultivated a mentality of wanting everything right now, having so many things readily available to us can and does get used for much good, but the enemy has used it in this instance to trick people into thinking that lust is love and the cheap thrill of lustful living will satisfy the hearts desire of longing for relationship and real love with Love.
It is the same with drugs and drinking. The enemy has counterfeited the presence of God with stimulants and substances that kill, steal, and destroy. I see it as a grand opportunity, these people are seeking for the presence of God and they don't even know it. People are being tricked into the "I want it now mentality" that runs so rampant in our society, and they willingly risk health and safety for a quick relief that makes things much worse in the long run. That's where we come in, we have the privilege of modeling what it is they are truly looking for.
We get to show them that the drugs and alcohol is like decaf coffee compared to being filled with the presence of God. I don't speak from a place of head knowledge. At one point or another I was addicted to pain pills, cocaine, daily marijuana use, ecstasy, daily drinking, pornography, sex, violence, and I think you get the point. When I truly experienced the presence of God I was satisfied in a way that words wouldn't do full justice, let's just say that Christ was what I was really looking for all along. In all my seeking God was never my enemy, I was only His enemy in my mind, Colossians 1:21.
When you see someone who can't stop drinking, talk to them about the presence of God. That's what they are really looking for. Lay hands on them so they can experience His tangible love. When you meet someone who is addicted to pornography tell them about what it is they are truly desiring. Which is eternal life, relationship with Christ Jesus. Tell them about how amazingly good He is, about His blissful presence, and about how much He paid for our redemption and makes us brand new. Explain to them how He is not a set of rules, but a living relationship with the substance of Love. Tell them testimonies of your experience with Him and His goodness. They have been tricked into a corner by the defeated enemy and are looking for the intimacy without the relationship and they are feeding on the counterfeit. Truth, and a taste of Holy Spirit's reality will spark a flame in their heart that will shift those demonic mindsets towards Truth, and it is Truth that sets us free.
How about a gambling addiction. What I see is this, that person probably has a great calling to steward money in amazing ways. Yet, they have been tricked into downward cycle through believing lies of a irresponsible get rich quick mindset that is void of wisdom and truth. The list could go on. The place of greatest attack on a person is most often the place of their greatest strength. They just need a child of God that knows who they truly are to show them their true identity of being a heavenly representative and usher them into an encounter and relationship with Mr. Love Himself.
2 Corinthians 5:19 For God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself, no longer counting people's sins against them. And he gave us this wonderful message of reconciliation. (NLT) We have the amazing privilege to see people's true value, true purpose, and true motives and love them into all of that. It is the same with cities, business's, churches, ministry's, and nations.
With the work of the enemy being so in the world's face, his attacks reveal the depth of desire for the real thing that is screaming out in people. The enemy can only copy, he doesn't have have access to the Creator. Therefore, he cannot create. He can only manipulate the real thing, which is always found in Christ. The real thing trumps the phony at all times, and we get the amazing privilege of displaying this love and power filled ministry of reconciliation to a world that is truly looking for Him in all their searching.
In third world countries they cannot hide their issues as well as we can in America. Their issues are that they are starving, haven't showered, have major health issues, etc... In America though, it can be easier to hide behind a fake smile and put up a front that everything is fine. We have so many things at our finger tips that other cultures don't have. We have the best health care in the world, tons of free food programs, many shelters, and all sorts of other free assistance's for those struggling. Those with money can hide behind issues with all sorts of false comforts.
This facade that is so readily available to hide behind in America simply prolongs the pain and makes it worse. In third world cultures many of the most loving and humble people I have met still have an amazing and some what healthy heart, despite circumstances. The trick of the enemy in our culture is that we think that because we have comforts to insulate us from pain that we can avoid the true issues of the heart. When in all actuality avoiding the issue makes our hearts even sicker.
But the enemy is not that intelligent. He has his schemes and tricks, but he is so confident in the idea that Christians don't believe what it is they say they believe that he will over play his hand in obvious ways. The enemy has seen so many Christians buckle and tone down their love for Jesus once under his attacks, that he is willing to risk it when it comes to attacking people with his silly tactics.
I really try to avoid talking about the enemy much, he gets far to much attention as it is He is the father of lies and when we listen to his voice we are molded into his image. He is after all, already entirely defeated (Colossians 2: 13-15). Know this though, his attack is against people, not just Christians. He hates all people, because all people are created in God's image.
Isaiah 60:2 For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the peoples; but the LORD will arise upon you, and his glory will be seen upon you. (ESV) The enemy is at work, and his specific attack is on people. But God is in you and upon you to show the world His truth, power, and love. His desire is for people that are freely given what he wanted, to "be like the Most High." We are created in God's image and likeness and He has given us the Kingdom. The enemy tries to manipulate people with his lies and have people end up looking more like him then Our Loving Father.
Here is where he is foolish and dares to over play his hand, especially in our culture. Let's start here... I have not seen the movie 50 Shades of Grey, but I have heard all about it. That movie is a sad manipulation of what true intimacy and love is. This movie has also grossed almost 160 million to date. I don't see sin riddled people flocking to the movies in this, I see people screaming out for true intimacy. Yet they have been tricked by the father of lies. This reveals a big opportunity for those that follow the Way. Countless people out their are desperately seeking for true intimacy and love, but they're getting suckered by the fake. As a follower of the Way of Love my job is not to judge those people, it's to show them what they are truly looking for. Which is heaven on earth, the revealing of Christ in me the hope of glory.
Our culture has cultivated a mentality of wanting everything right now, having so many things readily available to us can and does get used for much good, but the enemy has used it in this instance to trick people into thinking that lust is love and the cheap thrill of lustful living will satisfy the hearts desire of longing for relationship and real love with Love.
It is the same with drugs and drinking. The enemy has counterfeited the presence of God with stimulants and substances that kill, steal, and destroy. I see it as a grand opportunity, these people are seeking for the presence of God and they don't even know it. People are being tricked into the "I want it now mentality" that runs so rampant in our society, and they willingly risk health and safety for a quick relief that makes things much worse in the long run. That's where we come in, we have the privilege of modeling what it is they are truly looking for.
We get to show them that the drugs and alcohol is like decaf coffee compared to being filled with the presence of God. I don't speak from a place of head knowledge. At one point or another I was addicted to pain pills, cocaine, daily marijuana use, ecstasy, daily drinking, pornography, sex, violence, and I think you get the point. When I truly experienced the presence of God I was satisfied in a way that words wouldn't do full justice, let's just say that Christ was what I was really looking for all along. In all my seeking God was never my enemy, I was only His enemy in my mind, Colossians 1:21.
When you see someone who can't stop drinking, talk to them about the presence of God. That's what they are really looking for. Lay hands on them so they can experience His tangible love. When you meet someone who is addicted to pornography tell them about what it is they are truly desiring. Which is eternal life, relationship with Christ Jesus. Tell them about how amazingly good He is, about His blissful presence, and about how much He paid for our redemption and makes us brand new. Explain to them how He is not a set of rules, but a living relationship with the substance of Love. Tell them testimonies of your experience with Him and His goodness. They have been tricked into a corner by the defeated enemy and are looking for the intimacy without the relationship and they are feeding on the counterfeit. Truth, and a taste of Holy Spirit's reality will spark a flame in their heart that will shift those demonic mindsets towards Truth, and it is Truth that sets us free.
How about a gambling addiction. What I see is this, that person probably has a great calling to steward money in amazing ways. Yet, they have been tricked into downward cycle through believing lies of a irresponsible get rich quick mindset that is void of wisdom and truth. The list could go on. The place of greatest attack on a person is most often the place of their greatest strength. They just need a child of God that knows who they truly are to show them their true identity of being a heavenly representative and usher them into an encounter and relationship with Mr. Love Himself.
2 Corinthians 5:19 For God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself, no longer counting people's sins against them. And he gave us this wonderful message of reconciliation. (NLT) We have the amazing privilege to see people's true value, true purpose, and true motives and love them into all of that. It is the same with cities, business's, churches, ministry's, and nations.
With the work of the enemy being so in the world's face, his attacks reveal the depth of desire for the real thing that is screaming out in people. The enemy can only copy, he doesn't have have access to the Creator. Therefore, he cannot create. He can only manipulate the real thing, which is always found in Christ. The real thing trumps the phony at all times, and we get the amazing privilege of displaying this love and power filled ministry of reconciliation to a world that is truly looking for Him in all their searching.
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Sharing Jesus - In Wisdom
The joyous privilege of sharing the King of Kings with people in the gifts and fruit of the Spirit as a daily lifestyle has taken over my life. I really can't help myself, He has done so much for me. He has rescued me and so many from such darkness that His goodness needs to be known. Besides He is what the whole world is looking, Haggai 2:7...and the desire of all nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory. (KJV) The desire of the nations has already come, and He (Christ in you) is the glory that fills the house (which is us).
What I've seen is that many people have fear involved with the idea of sharing Jesus with the world, due to the fact that they think they have to share some formula or method in order to fulfill the task. Yes, their is training and growing that comes with learning how to effectively partner with Holy Spirit in loving people as you go daily. But the powerful and truth full simplicity of the Kingdom is that we can all love someone. Can you love someone? Can you be generous? Can you be kind? Can you encourage someone? We all can do that, and their is far more power in that then we realize.
When we learn to stay in that flow of kindness and love the supernatural aspect of sharing Jesus flows in a far more natural way. The mountain that so many make out of needing "boldness" melts away and what used to scare us becomes normal.
The truth is this, God is speaking to all men all the time. So a formula or method to share Jesus is not partnering with heaven to bring people to their loving Father. Some times the method can push a person a bit further from God instead of bring them closer. Most people get turned off by a religious agenda, especially when interrupting them on the streets with it. But I have yet to see someone turned of by a love filled supernatural encounter with Holy Spirit.
Look at this in Proverbs 8, 1 Does not wisdom call, And understanding lift up her voice? 2 On top of the heights beside the way, Where the paths meet, she takes her stand; 3 Beside the gates, at the opening to the city, At the entrance of the doors, she cries out: 4 “To you, O men, I call, And my voice is to the sons of men. (NASB)
So wisdom, which is a female spirit, is in the marketplace crying out to all men. Not only in the marketplace, but standing on top of a building at the busiest intersection with high pitched screams of joy toward all people. That is the obvious manner that God is speaking to all people. In verse 3 the words "she cries out" in Hebrew mean, a joyful and ringing cry. Imagine a woman standing on top of a platform in the middle of Time Square New York on a Friday night joyfully screaming great advice to everyone walking by. That's what she, wisdom, is doing. So a religious method or formula most often deviates from what God has been speaking and trying to do in a persons life that doesn't know Him.
Knowing Holy Spirit's voice makes the "great co-mission" outrageously fun. He tells us what He has been talking to them about, whether they know it's Him or not, and we get to partner with Him and highlight to them what God has been trying to get their attention with. The risk of stepping out and speaking what your hearing is not a risk when your lens and motive is love. If your willing to look like a fool for Jesus for a moment, He will make you look like a genius for a life time. It's a good trade.
This Bill Johnson quote changed many things for me when it came to sharing Jesus with strangers in the marketplace as a daily lifestyle, "For too long the church has been answering questions the world is not asking."
Would you want to be interrupted in the middle of your day by a person that wants to give you all the answers to questions your not asking? Or better yet, or worse depending how you see it, a person that is trying to tell you answers to questions that you have no value for.
When we partner with heaven and kindly love people in the marketplace, by saying what He is saying and doing what He is doing, miraculous and glorious results follow. Holy Spirit uses us to show up and answer the questions they have been asking in their heart, be it a need for healing, or prophetic insight for a issue in their life, needed encouragement, etc... Not only do we show up with the answers, but we show up with the answers having never heard the question. It's gets their attention and naturally this is what happens, they start asking the right questions.
When we say what God is saying to people in love, it creates a value for the right questions. Because when He speaks it creates goodness in people's hearts, so after their heart gets an injection of His love laced words what is in the heart comes out of the mouth. Love always handles the issue at hand and that stirs up the curiosity for people to ask the questions they should be asking about God. It is much easier, quicker, God like, more effective, and fun.
Someone is much more open to know what the cross is all about after their 5yrs of knee pain left in a heart beat because someone dared to love them and believe Jesus is who He says He is. In America most, almost all, have heard the basic death and resurrection story of Jesus and how He is the Son of God that paid for our sin. They of course probably don't understand it all, but they have heard it. What a lot all of unsaved America hasn't experienced, is someone walking out the reality of heaven on earth right in front of them. It's what they are truly looking for and want in the first place. Everyone wants a King like Jesus.
We do a lot of Kingdom work in Tijuana, Mexico in the Red Light District area, and have been for a couple years now. Recently I was leading a team of people in that area at night to activate them in the simplicity of partnering with Holy Spirit and loving people. We were praying for a sweet old lady's knee and a group of 3 college students stopped and were watching as I was on one knee with my hand on her knee. After her knee was better I stood and began talking with one of them, as they had questions about what I was doing.
We explained and then they explained they were there investigating the area about the prostitution problem. I asked if I could pray for them before they left, one of the girls said no. So I just started telling one of the girls what Holy Spirit was showing me about her life. Then the girl that said we couldn't prayer for them said, "Everything you just told her is exactly what she if doing with her life. Ok, do me now!" All 3 of them got detailed words from their Holy Spirit and then they were open to a conversation about Jesus.
All situations are different with people as we go, but Holy Spirit knows everyone and everything everyone has been through. Saying what He is saying cuts right to people's hearts in love. He is the best evangelist their is.
What I've seen is that many people have fear involved with the idea of sharing Jesus with the world, due to the fact that they think they have to share some formula or method in order to fulfill the task. Yes, their is training and growing that comes with learning how to effectively partner with Holy Spirit in loving people as you go daily. But the powerful and truth full simplicity of the Kingdom is that we can all love someone. Can you love someone? Can you be generous? Can you be kind? Can you encourage someone? We all can do that, and their is far more power in that then we realize.
When we learn to stay in that flow of kindness and love the supernatural aspect of sharing Jesus flows in a far more natural way. The mountain that so many make out of needing "boldness" melts away and what used to scare us becomes normal.
The truth is this, God is speaking to all men all the time. So a formula or method to share Jesus is not partnering with heaven to bring people to their loving Father. Some times the method can push a person a bit further from God instead of bring them closer. Most people get turned off by a religious agenda, especially when interrupting them on the streets with it. But I have yet to see someone turned of by a love filled supernatural encounter with Holy Spirit.
Look at this in Proverbs 8, 1 Does not wisdom call, And understanding lift up her voice? 2 On top of the heights beside the way, Where the paths meet, she takes her stand; 3 Beside the gates, at the opening to the city, At the entrance of the doors, she cries out: 4 “To you, O men, I call, And my voice is to the sons of men. (NASB)
So wisdom, which is a female spirit, is in the marketplace crying out to all men. Not only in the marketplace, but standing on top of a building at the busiest intersection with high pitched screams of joy toward all people. That is the obvious manner that God is speaking to all people. In verse 3 the words "she cries out" in Hebrew mean, a joyful and ringing cry. Imagine a woman standing on top of a platform in the middle of Time Square New York on a Friday night joyfully screaming great advice to everyone walking by. That's what she, wisdom, is doing. So a religious method or formula most often deviates from what God has been speaking and trying to do in a persons life that doesn't know Him.
Knowing Holy Spirit's voice makes the "great co-mission" outrageously fun. He tells us what He has been talking to them about, whether they know it's Him or not, and we get to partner with Him and highlight to them what God has been trying to get their attention with. The risk of stepping out and speaking what your hearing is not a risk when your lens and motive is love. If your willing to look like a fool for Jesus for a moment, He will make you look like a genius for a life time. It's a good trade.
This Bill Johnson quote changed many things for me when it came to sharing Jesus with strangers in the marketplace as a daily lifestyle, "For too long the church has been answering questions the world is not asking."
Would you want to be interrupted in the middle of your day by a person that wants to give you all the answers to questions your not asking? Or better yet, or worse depending how you see it, a person that is trying to tell you answers to questions that you have no value for.
When we partner with heaven and kindly love people in the marketplace, by saying what He is saying and doing what He is doing, miraculous and glorious results follow. Holy Spirit uses us to show up and answer the questions they have been asking in their heart, be it a need for healing, or prophetic insight for a issue in their life, needed encouragement, etc... Not only do we show up with the answers, but we show up with the answers having never heard the question. It's gets their attention and naturally this is what happens, they start asking the right questions.
When we say what God is saying to people in love, it creates a value for the right questions. Because when He speaks it creates goodness in people's hearts, so after their heart gets an injection of His love laced words what is in the heart comes out of the mouth. Love always handles the issue at hand and that stirs up the curiosity for people to ask the questions they should be asking about God. It is much easier, quicker, God like, more effective, and fun.
Someone is much more open to know what the cross is all about after their 5yrs of knee pain left in a heart beat because someone dared to love them and believe Jesus is who He says He is. In America most, almost all, have heard the basic death and resurrection story of Jesus and how He is the Son of God that paid for our sin. They of course probably don't understand it all, but they have heard it. What a lot all of unsaved America hasn't experienced, is someone walking out the reality of heaven on earth right in front of them. It's what they are truly looking for and want in the first place. Everyone wants a King like Jesus.
We do a lot of Kingdom work in Tijuana, Mexico in the Red Light District area, and have been for a couple years now. Recently I was leading a team of people in that area at night to activate them in the simplicity of partnering with Holy Spirit and loving people. We were praying for a sweet old lady's knee and a group of 3 college students stopped and were watching as I was on one knee with my hand on her knee. After her knee was better I stood and began talking with one of them, as they had questions about what I was doing.
We explained and then they explained they were there investigating the area about the prostitution problem. I asked if I could pray for them before they left, one of the girls said no. So I just started telling one of the girls what Holy Spirit was showing me about her life. Then the girl that said we couldn't prayer for them said, "Everything you just told her is exactly what she if doing with her life. Ok, do me now!" All 3 of them got detailed words from their Holy Spirit and then they were open to a conversation about Jesus.
All situations are different with people as we go, but Holy Spirit knows everyone and everything everyone has been through. Saying what He is saying cuts right to people's hearts in love. He is the best evangelist their is.
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