As the world continues to shift and change, our values and truth don't need to change to remain effective. In order to have affect in implementing our values and Truth into culture at large, we do need to learn to shift with the changing culture. People are desperate for the fruit of living in the lifestyle of knowing love, but sadly some of the world has been shown a wrong presentation of who Love is. It's unfortunately true to one extent or another, but this presents a beautiful opportunity for us to be a generation that rises up and taps into the divine wisdom of how to be relevant in the current culture without compromising Truth.
Coca Cola has done this in excellence for over 120 years now. Coca Cola's original logo from 1886, is almost identical to the logo they have today. The taste has changed so little during Coca Cola's consistent relevance that you'd hardly be able to tell the difference between the original taste and today's. Atlanta pharmacist Dr. John S. Pemberton launched the world's most popular soft drink in 1886, and Coca Cola has stayed right at the forefront of a now booming industry the entire time. "Did you know? The first servings of Coca‑Cola were sold for 5 cents per glass. During the first year, sales averaged a modest nine servings per day in Atlanta. Today, daily servings of Coca‑Cola beverages are estimated at 1.9 billion globally." These facts were all lifted from Coca Cola's website. This growth didn't come from expecting the world to meet Coca Cola where they are at, this growth came through staying relevant in culture as it changed and grew. The original logo and flavor has never changed, how they have invaded culture and stayed a top the game has always changed.
In the 1920's Coca Cola noticed people buying multiple bottles at time, thus they invented the six pack. Their sales immediately went up, and we all know the six pack is used by every single beverage company their is now a days. They marketed with military advertisements in times of war, Olympic advertising during the Olympics, and always played into the cultural shifts as they unveiled. All the while the logo and taste stayed the same.
Interestingly enough in the early 60's Coca Cola saw the need for a soda with less calories as everyone began watching their calories. They launched a soda called TAB that had less calories. TAB was a hit, but not on the scale they saw was possible. But in the early 80's Coca Cola say the need for a Diet Coke. They deemed it a "high risk-high reward" venture. It was introduced in 1983, and in 2010 the top two selling soft drinks in the world were Coca Cola and Diet Coke.
Steve Jobs almost immediately shut down record stores when Apple launched iTunes, including all the other inventions he spear headed that revolutionized this planet. Netflix and RedBox eventually put Blockbuster and Hollywood video out of business, as they saw a more effective way to bring people what they were searching for. The same thing is happening right now with Ubercab, which is a taxi cab business that creates opportunities for people to make money in their spare time and also makes it far more convenient for the population needing taxi's. Ubercab is putting many taxi cab companies out of business. These companies are seeing the demand and flow of culture and thinking new and creatively with the service or product they have to present.
We have the Almighty Creator and brilliant Source of energy and Life living in us. He did after all create the world that inspires our creativity, He created being creative. He is the Creator of everything that inspires creativity. Our Truth and values (like Coca Cola's logo and flavor) never need to change, they can't or it wouldn't be the pure substance of Christ. But our mind should always be in the constant upgrade of renewal so we can be in the world while being, "The mountain of the house of the LORD Will be established as the chief of the mountains, And will be raised above the hills; And all the nations will stream to it," Isaiah 2:2.
We have full access to unlimited and brilliant business opportunities and ideas, ideas that empower and bless people, political solutions, medical breakthroughs coupled with the supernatural healing power of Jesus, movies and music, and the list could go on and on. We have the privilege of bringing the original flavor and substance of Christ, coupled with His brilliance to change culture into the resemblance of heaven on earth.
So many followers of Jesus are flowing in this river of grace that is influencing and invading the cultures of this world with real relevance and solutions, but their is still an army of us sleeping while the Creator desires for us all to be fully alive. We are all fully equipped to bring His influencing Love and power into the sphere of influence He has given us. We were born for such a time and task as this, and we have only seen the beginning stages of this being unveiled in massive and brilliant ways.
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