Our ability to effectively allow Jesus to expand His kingdom through us is fully dependent upon our perception of who He is, what He accomplished on behalf the entire world, and what His kingdom truly is. Our ability to turn earth into heaven rests in how well we know Him, not what gifting or calling we have. The gifts and callings take flight when we allow His wind to fuel them.
Categorizing everything when it comes to following Jesus hasn't helped us as much as we think it has. When it comes to the gifts of the Spirit and the Five Fold ministry, many seek what their role and gifting is and settle into that identity. But we are called settle into the identity of a Son or Daughter of the King that is fully equipped to re-present Him and His kingdom with any gifting or role that the situation presents. Ephesians 1:3 All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ. (NLT)
It's how we see Him and who He is that fuels us. The bible never says to behold ourselves, it says behold Him. Because we become what we focus on, so we behold Him and we become like Him in our everyday life.
Matthew 6:22 The eye is the lamp of the body; so then if your eye is clear, your whole body will be full of light. (NASB) Your ability to transform the sphere of influence He has put you in to look like heaven, fully revolves around how you see Him, not how you see your gifting or calling. In Matthew 6:22 notice how it says, "eye" not eyes. Jesus is talking about your perception or spiritual vision. The literally meaning of the word in the Greek means, your minds eye.
When your at work and a coworker is in need of healing, your vision of whether you think Jesus is capable of healing is the question, not whether or not your have the gift of healing. Or say your children or a family member are in need of a hope filled prophetic word. Do you really think Jesus doesn't want to speak through you to the children He bleed for because you don't have a certain gift?
Your workplace has just as much God in it as anywhere. Habakkuk 2:14 For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea. (ESV) His glory is everywhere, us not knowing it is what limits us. His glory is already at your workplace, our mind being renewed so we can percieve this Truth is the issue. God already has an authority resting on you to have your work be your ministry, and He wants to turn our workplace into heaven on earth far more then we want Him to. The line of secular and sanctified was erased when we became sanctified in Him, not by our doing but by the grace to see the Truth that existed long before we had the ability to see it.
In Matthew 6:22 the word for "clear" in the Greek means this, without folds, referring to a single (undivided) focus without a secret double agenda which prevents an over-complicated life. When our vision is that His kingdom is everywhere we are (because His kingdom is within me), and His purpose through my life is my reason to live, my vision becomes clear and the line so many have created between secular and sanctified evaporates in His glory being revealed through us as a life style.
His perfect Kingdom is just as Holy and perfect in the sin riddled Red Light District of Tijuana, where I have seen Jesus regularly heal, save, and deliver His beloved children in abundant fashion, as it is in the church you attend on Sunday morning. Psalm 139:12 Even the darkness is not dark to You, And the night is as bright as the day. Darkness and light are alike to You. (NASB) The issue is our perception of who we think Jesus really is, and our understanding of what was actually accomplished on that lovely cross of Calvary.
Jesus lived this lifestyle of extending God's Kingdom as He was reclining at a pharisee's table and a prostitute broke a expensive alabaster vial of perfume and wiped His feet with Her tears as she kissed His them. He was living the same way as He made a spectle of healing the man with the withered hand in front of the phairsees that were trying to trick Him in the synagogue in Mark 3:1-6. He never saw a difference in what was holy and what wasn't because of His enviroment or circumstances, His vision was Holy and He knew His identity so it made the situation Holy.
We carry the authority and empowering presence of Christ Himself, therefore we have the green light to turn any where our foot steps into heaven on earth. In the realm of business, education, religion, enteratainment, and the list could go on. If you are a school teacher you have been placed in an amazing place to release His power and love, God knows we need it there. The school teacher or business man, etc, is just as much if not more important to His Kingdom as any of us. One of us can't get into all the places where Jesus desires to dwell, but as Living Stones that embody Him we can invade all spheres of society with His power and love when we know who He is in us and who we are in Him.
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