Monday, June 15, 2015

Your Trials should fast track your Triumph

        We've probably all heard someone in casual conversation say, "don't cast your pearls before swine." I have heard this statement used by many that don't even know its origin. I think we have a general idea of what it means, but how exactly do pearls come about? What was it that Jesus was really saying with this statement?

     The statement comes nearing the end of the famous Sermon on Mount. Matthew 7:6 "Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces." (NASB)

     Almost all of the precious items that the earth has to offer, like jewels and valuable metals, come from the earth naturally producing them in some way, shape, or form. Pearls are different though, pearls come from a living creature.

    In the same way that we come from the Living God. Acts 17:28 for in Him we live and move and exist, as even some of your own poets have said, 'For we also are His children.' (NASB) Pearls come into being when a grain of sand gets caught in an oyster, the oyster protects the pearl from foreign influences during it's metamorphosis from a grain of sand into a pearl. Note this- As valuable as pearls are today, pearls had even greater value in Jesus' time.

     The process takes place in the full submersion of water. Just like the becoming your true identity of a newly created son of God takes place in the full enveloping of His presence, with His Living Water nurturing you. The pearl is formed when a grain of sand gets caught between the oysters two hard shells, the oysters mantle and the oysters shell. The two are attached by a muscle. Interesting how the oyster has 3 parts that make it 1, just like our 3 in 1 Godhead. We are in the middle of the 3 in 1, and They are in the middle of us.

     The shell and the mantle close when they are threatened, enclosing the grain of sand within and thus the beginning of a pearl commences. You can count on the fact that when trials come, not if but when, God has already closed Himself in and around you. Thus empowering you to prosper from and grow from the tension, rather then the trial becoming your downfall. Romans 8:28 And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. (NASB)

    The Trinity envelopes us and He turns the tensions within us into treasures. The agitation of the grain of sand brings the grain of sands true identity about, a Pearl. The Pearl was in the grain of sand all along.

     Jesus said in John 15: 5 "I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. 6 If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned." (NKJV)

     The grain of sand's job is to abide in the 3 part oyster. Here is the Truth. The grain of sand can't go anywhere anyways, and neither can you. Where are you going to go after entering into Jesus? Psalm 139:8 If I ascend to heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in Sheol, behold, You are there. (NASB)

     You abiding in the fact of what is, which is that the presence of God is always available at all times and in all places, turns your grains of sand into pearls. Your true identity of a perfect, glorious, spotless, righteous, and much loved child of the King was and always is within your heart, abiding in Him brings that Truth into reality.

    Trials do far more then shape your character, they reveal your character. The tension of your life is where the oppotunities rest for you to allow your grains of sand to be transformed into the glorious pearls they were always meant to be. With the proper perspective on problems that come at us, we grow faster and in ways that simply weren't possible without the agitation bringing about the pearl.

    Jesus was saying to simply use wisdom when revealing the treasure that you gained through the trial. Many people cannot understand the wisdom and intimate knowledge you've gained unless they have gone through it themselves. When sharing your pearls of life, be aware of whether or not people are just trying to suck you dry, or if they truly want the treasure your giving them so they can apply it to their own life. The less time you waste on people that won't do anything with the goodness your trying to impart to them, the more time you have to pour into the people that will actually be teachable and apply the treasure you freely giving them.

    Jesus poured into 12 men regularly, and of the 12 it was more so poured into 3 of them. Jesus stopped and loved everyone, but He spoke in parables to hide the secrets, not to reveal the revelation (Matthew 13). He did that because when you hear Truth and understand it, you are now responsible to walk it out. So find the people that are responsible (have a real ability to respond) and entrust them with the pearls. They will actually use it.


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