What does it mean to ‘Be’? After all, we are not called to ‘do a son', that just sounds ridiculous. We are called to be a son of God. We are not the ‘doloved’, again, that is not even a word and it sounds outlandish. We are the Beloved. We are to dwell in a place of being loved, of knowing that our very stance and countenance all derives from the place of being perfectly loved by the Creator of the universe. The overflow of all He has done in us and will do through us stems from the place of being who He has declared we are. The Beloved.
God did not say, “Do still and know that I am God.” He said, “Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” Psalm 46:10 (ESV). The New American Standard Translation says this in Psalm 46:10, “Cease striving and know that I am God…” The word in Hebrew for ‘cease’ or ‘be still’ is -raphah-sink, relax, or fall limp. The bible is filled with commands, so in context of the entire Word this verse is not saying be nothing. We are positioned and fully equipped, right now, to be fully satisfied in Him, and extend that blissful satisfaction toward everyone we meet.
Paul said this in 1 Corinthians 9:22…I have become all things to all men… This verse is saying to stop trying to do it your way and do it His way. God is able to supply every person you come in contact with everything that they may need for them to proceed in wholeness. You were created to know how to BE, and from the revelation of BEING all righteous doing flows.
Getting it backwards and trying to do, in order to earn what is already yours, will have you performing for everything you already possess. That is falling back into the law, trying to earn righteousness. And falling back into the law brings your wrong doings to the surface. Romans 3:20 For by works of the law no human being will be justified in his sight, since through the law comes knowledge of sin. (ESV)
It’s free. You being a holy and blameless son is His idea, not yours. Just be who He says you are and He will be who He says He is in and through you. Focusing on a sin nature, which was removed from you when you said yes to Jesus, is simply resurrecting your old dead sinful self that was co-crucified with Christ on the cross. You were co-crucified, co-buried, co-risen, co-baptized, you are co-seated in Christ, and now you are a co-heir that has been co-missioned to re-present His power and love. It’s the simplicity of the Good News.
The greatest sermon ever preached is Matthew 5, 6, and 7, The Beatitudes, or the Sermon on the Mount, or the Attitudes of Being. Jesus lays out the blue print of our true nature in these chapters. All of our sin nature was removed from us and we have been filled with the perfection of Him. We are not trying to do Christianity, trying to do without first understanding being brings a false sin nature identity to the surface. We are being a son of God. We are not doing works for God, we are being a vessel that He does His work through.
We are not supposed to “do love” to the world, again that just sounds silly. Knowing how out of whack it sounds to, “do love”. Imagine what it looks like to God when you try and “do love”. We are called to be love to the world. Yes, love is a verb, but trying to give something away that you don’t fully understand you have is how the pureness of the Good News gets misrepresented with “do-it-yourself” religious nonsense.
Matthew 5: 5 Blessed are the meek, For they shall inherit the earth. (NKJV) I have pondered this verse many times and it just didn’t make sense to me for a long time. I then looked up the word ‘meek’ in the Greek. The word for ‘meek’ in the Greek is –praus- This difficult-to-translate root (pra-) means more than "meek." Biblical meekness is not weakness but rather refers to exercising God's strength under His control – i.e. demonstrating power without undue harshness, Strong’s Concordance. God wants to give you the earth as your inheritance, just ask Him for it, Psalm 2:8. You are not going to inherit the earth through false humility. He gives the earth to those that walk in His power and love while being kindness and patience. This is a lifestyle Jesus is talking about.
We are to be charged by Holy Spirit, that’s our place of BEING. Our efforts will never accomplish the task. Knowing that the task has been accomplished, “It is finished”, brings the revelation of a light and easy burden into reality. We are called to be a son that manifests all the work that was already completed for the world. All while demonstrating His power and love, as a lifestyle, without undue harshness.
I am not trying to become someone, I am growing in the Truth of who it is I already am. I am not trying to earn something, I am growing in the reality of everything that He already paid for and freely gave me. I am not trying to earn favor with God, I am putting to use all the unmerited favor He has already giving me.
When we let the glorious and never ending revelation of what took place on the cross begin to take charge and deep root in our lives we become over taken with passion. Paul said this in 2 Corinthians 5:14 For the love of Christ controls us, because we have concluded this: that one has died for all, therefore all have died; (ESV). Paul was overtaken in the place of dwelling in the True Vine. Paul had learned to stay in and never leave the place of being loved, hence our position in the Christ, the Beloved. This love affair catapulted him into outrageously good works. All his doing found its force, drive, and passion from the place of BEING.
Paul was absolutely blitzed in the revelation of what God did on the Cross through His Son. Everything Paul spent his life trying to earn was free. When Paul found this out he spent his life giving away the entirety of heaven, because he knew that in the place of being he possessed the entirety of heaven. The Champion of Heaven was without spot or wrinkle, yet He took on all imperfections so any and all could receive His perfection. He took what you deserved so you could get what He deserved, Jesus paid for everything for everyone!
Ephesians 5:1 Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; (NASB). He says you have full access to all of heaven, John 17, so BE-lieve God and BE the son that gives away what He says you have. God gives you the Spirit without limits, John 3:34, so BE-lieve God and run off the heavenly fuel that you are built to run on. God has made you a brand new creation, 2 Corinthians 5:17, and He has made you whole, Hebrews 10:14, God has done the job and what He says is Truth. We have the privilege of being who He says we are to a world that desperately needs what is alive inside us.
Jesus did not tell us to pray for the sick, Jesus told us to heal the sick. He wouldn’t have given us a command that we couldn’t fulfill. The person that is being who He says they are will step right into doing what He told us that we could do. And the King of Kings just so happened to tell us that we could do anything in Matthew 19:26, yes that is correct you can do anything if you simply BE-lieve.
When we dwell in that place of knowing how loved we are we stay in a place of being whole. It’s what salvation means. Salvation is far more about who you are now, rather than you praying some prayer thinking that you just punched your ticket to heaven. Jesus punched your ticket to heaven and inviting Him into your heart is not so you can hang on for dear life hoping Jesus hurries up His return. The very word for Salvation in the Greek is ‘sozo’ or ‘soteria’ meaning- welfare, prosperity, deliverance, preservation, salvation, safety. God's rescue which delivers believers out of destruction and into His safety, Strongs Concordance.
Complete wholeness for any and all who will receive it is what God purchased through His Son on the cross. He paid for your wholeness and wholeness is your state of being, for you and for everyone that welcomes Him in. We begin to become familiar with heaven now, and it continues through eternity. No one is excluded from heaven on earths party, which does not start when you get to heaven, it started 2,000yrs ago when heaven came to earth. We get to BE who He paid for us to Be, and so He can BE who He says He is in and through us.
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