Luke 5:1- One day as Jesus was standing by the Lake of Gennesaret, the people were crowding around him and listening to the word of God. (NASB) Gennesaret means garden of the prince, or a garden of riches. Our Father appropriately placed His Son in a garden fit for a prince and full of riches. We are placed in the same place in Him while we visit earth. As we engage with creation we begin to see that we are immersed in a supporting cast that waits in intense expectation for us to be who God says we are. Creation understands how favored we are and sees our exemption from all penalties in Christ, so should we.
Romans 8:19 For the creation waits with eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. 20 For the creation was subjected to vanity, not of its own will, but because of him who subjected it, in hope 21 that the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of decay into the liberty of the glory of the children of God. 22 For we know that the whole creation groans and travails in pain together until now. (World English Bible)
Apparently creation knows God better than we do. Just think, if creation is waiting for the Sons of God to be revealed it has to be in such a position with the Lord that it knows what the finished product looks like while we are still waking up to who we already are. Creation is totally and completely on our side and willing to assist us in all we need, the curse on it doesn't lift until we realize who we are.
Ponder on this for a moment... All the earthquakes in the new testament freed people, I think creation is getting tired of us thinking it wants to kill people when it is waiting for us to partner with it and save people. Look at Matthew 27:51-54, Matthew 28:2, Acts 16:26, and even Acts 4:29-31. It says the 'the place where they were meeting was shaken', after they asked for 'great boldness' and His 'hand to heal and perform signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus'. Once again creation responded to our realization of who we truly are. It's as if creation couldn't contain itself and got so excited it manifested in the natural after a prayer like that because creation knew that God would answer that prayer and the curse on creation would be lifted that much more.
Matthew2: 9 ....and behold, the star which they had seen in the East went before them, till it came and stood over where the young Child was. 10 When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceedingly great joy. (KNJV) God lead the wise men to His Son Christ Jesus through creation. The wise had this revelation, because "they rejoiced with exceedingly great joy." It reveals to us that creation is leading us and drawing us deeper and deeper into the place of Him all the time, if we are open. A larger view of who God is, enables us to hear Him and see Him clearer. The Gospel is for us all, that includes creation. 2 Corinthians 5:19 ...God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself. The Greek word for 'world' is the word 'Kosmos' - the world, universe; worldly affairs; the inhabitants of the world. God washed the universe clean on the cross, and He was and is reconciling the entire universe back to Himself through Christ in us. All creation points and leads to Christ.
Creation is passionately and aggressively calling out for us to realize we are to take dominion with the authority we have been given through Christ. God sees us through the lens of Christ and we have the privilege of re-presenting Christ to this world, it is far more simple to do so when we understand our highly favored position in Him. Christ lives in us and we get to do what He did, destroy the works of the devil with His authority!
Our Father placed Jesus in a place that means garden of the prince, while creation was and is prophetically singing to the beat of Christ. Creation was singing and working with Christ to bring about His destiny, it’s no different with us. ‘Garden of riches’, Lake of Gennesaret (where Jesus was), is powerfully appropriate. Colossians 2:2 I want you woven into the tapestry of love, in touch with everything there is to know of God. Then you will have minds confident and at rest, focused on Christ, God's great mystery. 3 All the richest treasures of wisdom and knowledge are embedded in that mystery and nowhere else. And we've been shown the mystery! (Message Bible)
Trees (creation) even held Him up during His most glorious moment, the crucifixion. And after the Messiah gave up His Spirit their was an earthquake that raised holy people from the dead, Matthew 27:45-54. Creations response to the Messiah's crucifixion was to set people free, make people believe, verse 54, and raise people from the dead, because creation mirrors what it sees in the Spirit. If we curse people and places, the very words we speak are prolonging the curse on creation. When we speak life and blessings on people and places we lift the curse off creation so creation can partner with God and us to release His goodness on earth.
Even during Jesus' Triumphal entry into Jerusalem in Luke 19, Mark 11, John 12, and Matthew 21 creation is screaming His goodness. He rode a donkey, they waved palm leaves, and as the pharisees asked Him to silence His followers He responded with, "I tell you, if these were silent, the very stones would cry out." If we can't see His goodness, creation will yell loud enough to get our attention.
Creation mirrors what God has for you, when we let our minds be renewed we see it. Luke 3:21-Now when all the people were baptized, Jesus was also baptized, and while He was praying, heaven was opened, 22-and the Holy Spirit descended upon Him in bodily form like a dove, and a voice came out of heaven, “You are My beloved Son, in You I am well-pleased.” (NASB) The Father used creation and spoke audibly to signify Christ’s reception of the Spirit ‘upon Him’, through a dove.
A few years ago a Falcon starting following me, at times two falcons. The falcon still to this day comes and goes, but it was always there for about a year and half or two years. Even about a month ago this same falcon came and landed on a tree branch about 15 feet below me on a cliff and sat and stared at me for about 15 minutes. I preached the Gospel to my falcon, because the Gospel sets them free. When this started a few years ago my falcon even followed me when I moved from one residence to another. I saw it multiple times a week in all sorts of places, I even saw him in a different state while on vacation.
I also heard it multiple times a week. It took eight months for me to understand one of the things God was saying through it. It is possible that He waited that long to tell me or I was just missing what He was saying. Either way it is a sign that makes me wonder. One of the things, and the most important, that He said was this, “You will know my voice as clear as you can differentiate the cry of that Falcon from other birds and you will see me as clear as you can spot your Falcon.” Falcon's have a very distinct cry and flight pattern and after hearing and seeing it for months, I could spot it from far off and know that it was my Falcon.
Sometimes I wouldn’t see it, but I would hear it and I could differentiate my Falcon's cry from any other bird. Falcons have a very distinct flight pattern, and fly at high speeds with the ability to change direction quickly. God loves me so much that He would speak to me prophetically about my own future through the desperation of creation, which is desperate for us to be unveiled.
God even spoke through a donkey, Numbers 22:28- Then the LORD opened the donkey's mouth, and she said to Balaam, "What have I done to you to make you beat me these three times?" (NIV) I find it interesting that God spoke through a donkey to ask man why he was hurting it. As if to say, "hey, I'm on your side!" If God can speak audibly through a donkey, He can speak through any and all creation. Tune into His frequency and you will hear it.
The trees applaud God and whisper of His broad and glorious calm.
Creation is so fond of our bond with God, that it hopes we hurry and respond.
The birds scream in exaltation to the King and His fresh representation released through creation.
A creative invasion gets unleashed in daily occasion through the winds and whistles that praise Him.
He is blazing and He rests in all spacing within the basin that holds what you taste in Him.
The ground you walk on was born with His DNA into its .COM, His roller coaster is free, hop on!
Rolling fields of green speak of His soul wrapping its peace in our very being,
while the breeze scatters His seeds in the lost that need His freeing.
The endless waters foster His proper posture and unveil His majesty like a grand opera.
He flicks flames at the distortion of the world’s portion and they melt from the force of His grin.
Creation worships God and knows Him on such a level that it is waiting for us to catch up. As God changes the world inside you, He uses you to change the world around you. The creation around you will mirror the world inside you. Jesus slept in the storm. When He woke up from His nap He commanded the world around Him to line up with the peace inside Him, Mark 4:35-41.
Everything has been reconciled back to our loving Father. What a privilege we have to manifest His kindness and truth to people, and all the Cosmos. Everything He has made is good, when we dare to believe it and look through that lens we see Him in everything.
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