Matthew 5:5 “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” (ESV)
I can personally say that I have misunderstood this verse. I have also observed others misunderstanding of this verse. Whenever we read a verse that we don’t understand, or if for some reason it just doesn’t sound right in light of our true identity and what Christ has done, you should investigate on your own what it is God is truly saying in context. Proverbs 25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search things out. (ESV)
Misunderstandings of the Word happen to us all, for various reasons. Some words are difficult to translate, some have just been translated poorly, some passages are not understood in light of the context in the culture in which it was spoken. The only way to find out is to dig into the Word with Holy Spirit and hunger to know Him as He truly is, and what it is He is saying. Any understanding we have in the bible that leads us away from a deeper knowing of His love and goodness, is error on our behalf. If this is happening then we are the ones not seeing clearly, because God is love and He is good in every situation and circumstance.
So I was puzzled by this verse. Here is where some of the problem starts. The word ‘meek’ in English means this, quiet, gentle, and easily imposed on; submissive. So my question was this, how is someone who is easily imposed on and quiet, going to inherit the earth? Well, the Greek word for ‘meek’ takes this verse into an entire new direction with an entirely new meaning. This is where God invites us to explore the never ending expanse of the love of Christ and His nature, where all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are found (Col. 2:3).
Ever been reading the bible and you felt a slight nudge? Or a hard to articulate feeling in your gut? A nudge or feeling that sort of feels like a invitation to a conversation that you've never had? Or maybe didn't know you had permission to have? It's the Holy Ghost inviting you to dig a little deeper. That nudge, or that moment when you feel like a verse jumped off the page at you, is the X that marks the spot. It's the place where you start digging. It's an invitation into the Apocalypse of Christ.
Wait, what? The "Apocalypse of Christ?" Yes, here is a perfect example of the point I am trying to make. The enemy has turned the word 'Apocalypse' into some silly dogmatic mania. We think of zombies, natural disasters, incurable diseases, and so on and so on. The word Apocalypse as used from the Greek means this, 'apokalupsis' an uncovering or an unveiling. We get the word Revelation from the word 'apokalupsis'. The book of Revelation, is the unveiling of the Christ. The unveiling, or revelation of Christ's Victory, not the unveiling of the anti-christs victory.
So that nudge, or verse jumping off the page at you, is Holy Spirit inviting you into a deeper 'apokalupsis', uncovering or an unveiling, of the person of Jesus Christ. And know this, there is more uncovered goodness in Him then you will ever be able to dig up, but it's so much fun trying.
So we continue with the uncovering of Matthew 5:5, the Greek word for ‘meek’ is this, ‘praus’ and the meaning may change your view of the Gospel a bit. Pruas- This difficult-to-translate root (pra-) means more than "meek." Biblical meekness is not weakness but rather refers to exercising God's strength under His control, demonstrating power without undue harshness.Understanding the work "meek" in English, and then in the original language of Greek which is was written, releases much different perspectives.
Christ released God’s power everywhere He went without undo harshness. We are called to follow Him. Matthew 25: 39 'When did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?' 40 And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’ (ESV)
Where did Jesus always hangout when He walked the earth? He dwelled among the sick, the sinners, the broken, and hurting. He came for the sick. So it would make sense that He is expecting us to find Him in the darkness and amongst the sick and hurting… So much of Him and His goodness is missed when we avoid anything or anyone that could present a mess. The darkness is where He shines brightest. You and I were once a mess, now we are the message of reconciliation to the world.
What is it we say we even believe if we deliberately avoid the people and places that need the Gospel most? Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes… “The power of God for salvation,” it’s His power that transforms us into His image and likeness. “For the Kingdom of God is not just a lot of talk; it is living by God's power,” 1 Corinthians 4:20 (NLT). You cannot be confident without being humble, and you cannot be humble without being confident. True confidence knows where it's confidence is drawn from, and knowing where it truly comes from means you know that it’s not you, but Christ in you.
Let's not fall suspect to the lie that flowing in God’s power can create too much of an opportunity to be prideful. In all actuality it seems to be the exact opposite, think about it. You have to be a complete fool to get prideful when you are seeing people healed and all sorts of miracles are constantly happening through you. I’m not saying it’s not possible, I’m saying true humility dwells hand and hand in His power and love. One may have more than a few screws lose if they think that they are the ones healing people.
Now think of the flip side here… When you are in a church environment that does not flow in the power of God how easy would it be to get prideful? Think of it, it’s all about what you can do if the power of God and what He is capable of is not the focus. Making our ability the focus and not His ability the focus creates a greater chance for pride then obeying Christ and releasing His power without undo harshness.
The earth belongs to those that will flow in His power as a lifestyle without being harsh and without letting it puff them up. He will open doors across the globe for you to share His amazing Word, love, and power when we assert His authority and power in kindness and patience. His power is within us and it is within us for the reason of releasing it to the world that needs it so badly. Salvation is the purchased life of wholeness and a life that increases abundantly into more and more wholeness, and it doesn't fully manifest without His power, Romans 1:16.
We are given what's His, the earth, when we humbly release His character, love, and power as a lifestyle.
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